Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Getting the Ball rolling on Ethics Regulations

Ok everyone, I am looking into and beyond what I can do. And now I need your help!

I am calling and have been calling the AG’s office. If anyone knows a Lawyer who wouldn’t mind doing some pro bono work on this, have them contact me at . I am getting all the legalities on what we have to do.

Now remember this is a broad spectrum.

What is going to be needed to change or an amendment to the Ethics Act is for those who put in a complaint, need to sign a confidentiality clause in which they are not allowed to speak of the complaint until after it has gone thru all the proceedings concerning is. More or less these people will remain Anonymous throughout the whole time frame of the complaint. IF they speak about the complaint, the complaint will be throw out entirely (it does not matter if the claim was frivolous or not) and the person(s) who made the complaint will have to pay the State of Alaska back in entirety all fees associated with the complaint.

Also, if the complaint does turn out to be frivolous or fraudulent in anyway, the person(s) whom put in the complaint must pay back all fees associated with it.

Why am I taking it this far? Because the attorneys and those who work in the law office, who represent our State have enough to do without having to deal with these asinine complaints.

This is my stand. Will you stand and help me?

You have the email… all you have to do is contact me.


  1. Upinak,

    Thank you for leading the way! We'll do all we can to help and support this effort.

    When political party hacks try to personally bankrupt a politician over ideology and personal grudges, that's when most reasonable people draw the LINE!

  2. I agree that folks who file complaints should keep it confidential until the results are in.

    I don't agree that they should be charged for filing a complaint. Holding our government accountable is one of our constitutional rights... ethics complaints are just one way to do so. And it's a short step from having your complaint dismissed to saying it's frivolous and pay up.

    As for SP having to pay for defending herself from ethics complaints, I'd like to point out that lawyers working for the state investigate ethics complaints and are legally and ethically bound to do so in an impartial manner. Legally, she has no need for outside representation at that first step of the process. Therefore, her choosing to hire private attorneys is a personal matter and as such she should be expected to pay the bill for their representation.

    And I do think some of the complaints have been totally bogus; however, I would never suggest denying an American citizen their constitutionally guaranteed right to hold their elected officials accountable.
